Directed by Lizannette Velasco de Jesús and Produced by Athená Polymenis, "Vaivén" is an experimental dance narrative MFA Pre-Thesis short film. The film follows the protagonist, Ivo portrayed by Karlo Javier Martinez Martinez, as he navigates his new life in an unfamiliar place. On his journey to find himself, he meets Mia, portrayed by Noemie Gschwendtner, who brings out a part of himself that he thought he left back home in Puerto Rico.
"I was really excited when Liza reached out to me to work on the project," Polymenis says, "We didn't know I was going to be the producer from the get go, but once Liza told me she didn't have a strong producer in mind - I immediately rose to the occasion." The key heads of the film were rounded out when Director of Photography Musila Munuve, Choreographer Ángel Blanco, and Assistant Producer Francesca Turgeon joined the ranks. Polymenis highlights that this was a very different experience producing compared to her other past producing work.
"It was a real joy, but with that said it constantly kept me on my toes and it definitely pushed me to become better which is something that continues to draw me to new and different projects than I usually commit to," Polymenis elaborates. Please enjoy the stills from the film, by Colorist Shira Chait, below!
Please enjoy the behind the scenes photos from "Vaivén" taken by Photographer Athená Polymenis and Social Media Assistant Grace Lee.